Sunday, November 20, 2011

What the bible say about Muhammad, the prophet of Islam?

It will be a surprise to everyone that the bible which is actually sent o Jesus Christ has something to say about Muhammad. But the Muslims actually believed in this prophecies but christens on the other hand don’t believe in it. Jesus himself knew the kind of followers he had, he said in Mathew 13  vs 13 ‘’……they seeing see not; and hearing the hear not, neither do they understand”. So it wont surprise me if Christians still disbelieve in the proof that the bible made some prophecies about Muhammad, the great prophet of Islam. Recently, I asked a pastor Isang udo Akagaha, one of the great pastors in Islam, if the bible actually said anything about Muhammad; his response was that the only thing in the bible that relate to Muhammad is that Jesus said at a point in time on earth, people will start claiming false prophet hood and that Muhammad is one of them.And I know that Is what most will Also say concerning the prophecies about him.
But the bible actually made some prophecies about the coming of Muhammed, We Muslims
have accepted the de facto Jesus on the authority of Muhummed alone, and there are in the world to-day no less than 1,000,000,000 followers of Muhummed who love, respect this great messenger of God - JESUS CHRIST - without having the Christians to convince them by means of their Biblical dialectics. But of the 'thousands' of prophecies referred to as that of Jesus Christ, there is no single prophecy where Jesus is mentioned by name? The term 'Messiah', translated as 'Christ', is not a name but a title. Is there a single prophecy where it says that the name of the Messiah will be JESUS, and that his mother's name will be MARY, that his supposed father
will be JOSEPH THE CARPENTER; that he will be born in the reign of HEROD THE KING, etc. etc.? No! There are no such details! Then how do they conclude that those 'thousand' prophecies refer to Jesus?"
Prophecies are word-pictures of something that is going to happen in the future. When that thing actually comes to pass, we see vividly in these prophecies the fulfillment of what had been predicted in the past: If this is what is used with regards to the genuineness of Jesus, why should we not adopt the very same system for Muhummed?
In Deuteronomy 18 verse 18, God said
I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I shall command Him’’
All Christians believed that the verse was referring to Jesus but with all the description given by God, it does not refer to Jesus in any way. God was actually talking  to Moses in that verse and there are three points to be considered in that verse 1. A prophet from among their Brethren
                                                                                       2. He will be like Moses
                                                                                      3. God will speak into his mouth
1. A prophet from among their Brethren: Moses and his people, the Jews, are here addressed as a racial entity, and as such their 'brethren' would undoubtedly. The Holy Bible speaks of Abraham as the "Friend of God". Abraham had two wives - Sarah and Hagar. Hagar bore Abraham a son - HIS FIRST-BORN - ' . . . . . . And Abraham called HIS SON'S name, which Hagar bore, Ishmael.' (Genesis16:15). If Ishmael and Isaac are the sons of the same father Abraham, then they are brothers. And so the children of the one are the BRETHREN of the children of the other. The children of Isaac are the Jews and the children of Ishmael are the Arabs - so they are BRETHREN to one another. So since Muhammed is an Arab, he originated from the brethren of the Jews.
2. He will be like Moses: Is Jesus like Moses in any way, probably because he was a Jew and a prophet, and so Christians believe he is like Moses. But these criteria will also fit to the likes of Solomon, Isaiah, Daniel and even John the Baptist since they are also Jews and prophet. But he is unlike Moses in many ways In the FIRST place according to Christians 'JESUS IS A GOD', but Moses is not God, SECONDLY, according to them - 'JESUS DIED FOR THE SINS OF THE WORLD', but Moses did not have to die for the sins of the world. Moreover 'JESUS WENT TO HELL FOR THREE DAYS', but Moses did not have to go there. But looking at Moses and Muhammed they both share some similarities
a. Birth: Moses was born in the normal, he had a father and mother, likewise Muhammed, but Jesus had only mother he didn’t have a father as many Christians do say, but why Luke and Mathew were writing the genealogy of Jesus Christ they said Joseph the carpenter was his father, whereas Mathew later told us in Mathew 1:18 . . . . . BEFORE THEY CAME TOGETHER, (Joseph the Carpenter and Mary)  SHE WAS FOUND WITH CHILD BY THE HOLY GHOST (JESUS)
b.Death: Both Moses and Muhammed died naturally but Jesus was crucified by his own people
c. Laws: Moses brought the ten commandments and Muhammed also brought in new laws and regulations, but Jesus on the other hand said THINK NOT THAT I AM COME TO DESTROY THE LAW, Of THE PROPHETS: I AM NOT COME TO DESTROY, BUT TO FULFIL. FOR VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, TILL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS, ONE JOT OR ONE TITTLE SHALL IN NO WISE PASS FROM THE LAW, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED.' (Matthew 5:17-18).
d. Acceptance: both Muhammed and Moses were accepted by their people in there life time but Jesus was rejected by his people no wonder they crucify him.
3. Put My words in his Mouth:  In many verses of the Quran, God was commanding Muhammed to say that means he was putting his words in his mouth, for example he said ‘Say, he Allah is One”. So this is a clear proof to show that Muhammed was actually been referred to as in the bible.


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